
Healthy and Fit in Later Life

Grundtvig Learning Partnership Healthy and Fit in Later Life (HFFILL) 2010-2012 was an endeavour to study offers for older people in the field of sports and movement, exchange experience and good practice and make proposals how to increase the level of physical activity among sedentary older people and to enhance the quality of later life. The involved partners explored the barriers that prevent older people from exercising in partner locations and built the knowledge base of potential solutions how to sustain the flexibility of body and spirit in older age.The Partnership was based on mobilities of qualified persons in physical activities for seniors and adult learners from partner institutions who attended information seminars and workshops, demonstrated exercises geared to older persons, visited community sports and recreation facilities, met with sports educators and sports administration officers. The impact and long-term effects of the Learning Partnership was be facilitated by active engagement of sports education institutions and NGO. The Partnership is expected to be followed by intensive local and European networking and subsequent local and international partnerships and initiatives.

Project activities and results are available as downloadable materials here: 

Ten tips for moving every day

Adapted motor and emotional activities for Parkinson's disease

Da SeniorenTeam zeigt

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