As people age, they need accessible, equitable, inclusive, safe and secure, and supportive environments. Environments that promote health and prevent or delay the onset of disease and functional decline, environments where ageing people can continue to do the things that are important to them. They need age-friendly environments.
The concept of age-friendly environments (AFE) is gaining visibility at the EU level and has to be promoted because age-friendliness is one of the most effective ways to promote healthy and active aging. People in age-friendly communities are supported in maintaining their independence and preventing illness and injury, and have access to the community supports and services they require.
However, the reality is that cities and communities, their infrastructures and services are still predominantly oriented at the needs and schedules of the able-bodied working population underestimating the fact that most of the things old people need are good for the rest of the community, too.
People born between 1945 and 1965 (the baby boomers) have witnessed and been part of the radical changes that took place in the 1960s and 1970s: feminism, anti-discrimination, the rights of the disabled, anti-Vietnam protests, equal pay, the introduction of Medicare, reconciliation, climate change, the rights of the LGBTI community, to name a few. Ageing is the new frontier.
Lithuania: Seniors Initiatives Centre (coordinator)
Austria: queraum
Germany: ISIS GmbH - Institut fur Soziale Infrastruktur
The Netherlands:AFEdemy