
Active 80+

What is Active 80+

Active 80+ is an Erasmus+ project carried out between October 2014 and September 2016. The Active 80+ project aims at developing and testing a research-based training for care staff and volunteers, enabling them to function as coaches for people at high age.

Using methods and tools of the training, the coaches will support older people in developing and realizing their own ideas of learning and active citizenship. Furthermore, extensive dissemination, involving the press and other media at local, regional, national and European level, will aim at raising awareness on the potentials of very old people.

Why Active 80+

Europe is facing a “longevity revolution”, as the number of very old people will increase in the coming decades: In 2060 every 8th person will be at the age of 80 and above. Some older people have significant care needs and/or are not interested in remaining actively engaged in society. However, there is also an increasing number of very old people, who – despite functional limitations – are motivated to take on an active role in society and provide services for their community.

Since the access to the social and public environment of very old people is often limited, professionals and volunteers working with them belong to their most important contact persons. Their support in detecting or re-developing hidden strengths of very old people they are involved with and their encouragement of older people to engage in meaningful activities can be crucial in providing access to learning and ensuring greater independence and enjoyment of later life.

Who is Active 80+ for


  • Men and women at high age, who are interested in realizing their own ideas of learning and active citizenship.
  • Staff and volunteers of health and social service providers, who are interested in  attending the Active 80+ training and becoming a coach for people at high age with some functional restrictions or care needs.
  • Health and social service providers that want to provide their care staff and volunteers with ideas to support older people to engage in learning and meaningful activities.
  • Associations that advocate concerns and needs of older people, adult training providers and governmental organisations, funding bodies and a broader public as target groups of extensive dissemination.

Outcomes and results of the project


  • European Benchmarking Report as a synthesis of research results on the state of the art concerning learning and active citizenship of men and women at high age.
  • Handbook for Trainers equipping health and social service providers and adult training providers with tools and methods in performing the training and inspiring institutions to take part in the training.
  • Handbook for Practitioners providing care staff and volunteers with confidence and ideas to support people at high age in learning and meaningful activities.
  • Policy Recommendations addressing decision-makers and interest groups representing older people at local, regional, national and European level.
Get more information on the project website





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